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Young actors have out-of-this-world chat with astronaut Chris Hadfield

In honour of their staging of ‘One Small Step’, in which the astronaut plays a prominent role, YES Theatre’s Young Company gets a chance for a virtual meeting with Hadfield
Members of YES Theatre’s Young Company gather around a laptop during a virtual visit from Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield. The young actors recently staged a production of “One Small Step”, a play about a group of students who write a play about Hadfield.

Members of YES Theatre’s Young Company got an out-of-this-world opportunity to meet virtually with Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield earlier this month.

From May 11-16, the company staged a production of the play One Small Step, in which Hadfield plays a prominent role. In recognition of that, a virtual conversation between the astronaut and the young actors was arranged.

“We were so excited that Chris found the time to meet with our Young Company,” said Ruthie Nkut, the associate artistic director of YES Theatre, of the pre-opening conversation with the astronaut. “It’s been a very important week for them as they head into opening a show which they’ve been working on all year.”

Predictably, the students wanted Hadfield to tell them what it was like to be in space. He told them that it was "just like magic." 

“He also said that looking down at planet Earth from space is a humbling and extraordinary experience because you truly get to see how massive our planet is,” YES Theatre told

Hadfield told the actors he became fascinated with astronauts since watching the moon landing when he was nine, but it wasn’t until later that he made the decision to become one himself.

“He talked about the difference and importance between wanting to do something and then finally deciding that yes, this in fact, this is what I want to devote my life to,” YES said. 

Famed for playing his guitar and singing on the International Space Station, the Young Company members also asked about his love of music. 

“He told the students that he has always loved music and actually performed in musicals when he was a kid at school,” the company said.

The students then sang a song of their own for Hadfield, “coincidentally about the magical feeling of being in the theatre (echoing what Hadfield said about space).” 

“He enjoyed the song, even shedding a few tears,” YES Theatre said. “He wished the students a happy opening and break legs” 

Staged from May 11-16, One Small Step is a backstage comedy from Dora-nominated writers Anika Johnson and Barbara Johnston. 

When their annual musical is cancelled, a group of high school drama students decide to write one of their own, but in order to get the money they need from city hall, it has to be about something Canadian. 

The result is a play called The Hadfield Follies: An Out of this World Journey Through the Life and Times of Astronaut Chris Hadfield.

On their way to opening night, this ambitious group of misfits learn about teamwork, tenacity, and the surprising parallels between high school drama and space exploration.

Learn more about YES Theatre’s Young Company by visiting their website.